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Provincial Certification for Ontario

Certificate Issued By: College of Early Childhood Educators

Contact Info: 1-888-961-8558

As of July 12, 2018, current students graduating from the Basic ECE and post-basic ITE, or Basic ECE and post-basic SNE certificate programs from Pacific Rim ECI by 2020 that apply to the College of Early Childhood Educators are eligible to send their Pacific Rim ECI transcripts directly to the Ontario College as proof of program completion for the purposes of registration. These graduates are deemed to have met the education requirement for registration if the official transcript shows completion of the ECE Diploma program by 2020 inclusive. In order to be issued a Certificate of Registration, applicants must meet all the other registration requirements in order to be eligible for membership. Details regarding the requirements for registration and the application process are available on the College's website,, under the "Applicants" tab.

As of July 12, 2018, current and future students graduating from the Pacific Rim Early Childhood Institute (Basic ECE and ITE, or Basic ECE and SNE programs) after 2020 will need to send copies of their provincial certification to show proof of program completion under the Ontario Labour and Mobility Act, (i.e. the Agreement on Internal Trade). Pacific Rim ECI in on the BC list of Recognized Early Childhood Education Training Institutions and graduates of our programs are eligible for certification in British Columbia. Through the Agreement on Internal Trade, Pacific Rim ECI graduates that complete their programs and successfully obtain their ECE and ITE, or ECE and SNE certifications from the BC ECE Registry can apply to the Ontario College for a Certificate of Registration (RECE) using these provincially granted credentials. In British Columbia, students would apply for this certification through the BC ECE Registry. From British Columbia, the Ontario College accepts the Infant/Toddler or Special Needs Educator certifications. To apply for an ITE or SNE certification from the BC ECE Registry, students must first complete the Basic ECE certificate program. As always, applicants must also meet all the other registration requirements in order to eligible for membership. A list of licences or certificates issued by other Canadian regulatory authorities is available here.

Students that have completed training, that have not yet obtained provincial certification, may apply for an Ontario Certificate of Registration through individual assessment, although it is advised that students seeking to become RECE's first obtain provincial certification and apply for Ontario Certification through the Ontario Labour and Mobility Act (i.e. Agreement on Internal Trade).

For the most the current information, please visit the College of Early Childhood Educators website.

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