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Can I be granted credit for previously completed ECE courses?

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It is possible to have credit granted for previous courses taken at a recognized training institution.

Academic assessments are available for students registered with Pacific Rim Early Childhood Institute Inc. who wish to have previous academic transcripts in ECE assessed. Pacific Rim ECI will assess equivalency for courses taken in the past 10 years from other institutions which are recognized by the BC ECE Registry. Equivalency is only given for courses with similar credit hours and curriculum content. The required hours for each course are governed by the BC ECE Registry and can be viewed at under each individual course.

ECE Programs in BC that are recognized by the BC ECE Registry meet the same basic occupational standards and competencies, but this does not ensure courses easily transfer between institutions. Institutions may block the curriculum content together differently or divide topics into multiple courses. This means several courses from one institution may be required for a single course equivalency at another.

Courses taken from different programs other than ECE (i.e. Teaching and Nursing) are not often equivalent to ECE courses as the content for ECE is very specific for children 0-5. Therefore, courses focused on K-12 and adults are not considered equivalent to the provincial ECE requirements and cannot be given equivalency.

Courses taken from institutions outside BC should be assessed by the BC ECE Registry to determine out-of-province or out-of-country equivalence prior to applying for an academic assessment. Visit the BC ECE Registry website for more information.